This Must Have Really Pissed Somebody off... |
Isis, who are these guys, and what happened to Al Queda? I have so many questions! Is Isis just Al Queda for the islamic extremests with extreme lisps? And what is Isil? And why don't they like pork products? I thought that was a Jewish thing. Do they know they have something in common with the Jews? Are they so unhappy because they've never tasted the succulent taste of crispy bacon? Also, why don't they eat meat with cheese? These angry people are missing out on some delicious meal choices. Maybe if everyone just had a Bacon Cheese Burger we could all get along. Problem solved, the world comes to peace over our love of shitty food and everything will be fine until someone discovers they're lactose intolerant and it starts World War III.

This week on Killjoy Radio we Introduced Justin's new podcast: The 38 Year Who Works At Spencer's. I'm super excited about this shoe. I think it's a hilarious idea and I know he's going to have some real funny stories. Check out the Podcast Here or just watch the Video Below:
The Rockhaven Entertainment Local Music Showcase band on this episode is Fire in Elysium. I

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